
  • I volunteer with the American Association for the Advancement of Science in the Scientific Responsibility, Human Rights, and Law program in affiliation with their On-Call Scientists initiative. View a webinar I moderated about Science and Climate Change Litigation: A Dialog with Experts and Advocates
  • Soapbox Science is a novel, international public outreach platform for promoting women scientists and the science they do. My Soapbox Science 2020 St. John's talk is available on Youtube.
  • The Signal Hill Science Show was a series of chats with scientists, professors and researchers about fun and fascinating things about the world around us, presented by Memorial’s Johnson Geo Centre, the Faculty of Science at the Emera Innovation Exchange.

  • How physics helps to simulate a search for life on Mars
    As part of the 2020 Canadian Association of Physicists Lecture Tour, I talked to public audiences, high school classes, and undergraduate physics students about how infrared and visible light help track down minerals that could be associated with robust microbial life.
  • Shark skin, butterfly wings, and lotus leaves: the physics of water on rough surfaces
    As part of the 2017 Canadian Association of Physicists Lecture Tour, I talked to public audiences and undergraduate physics students about how physics can be used to understand and create water-repellent surfaces.

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